Friday Feb. 11, 2022
Understanding the Subtleties of Isolated Queen Pawn (IQP) Structures
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, Strategy
Run Time: 00:20:05
Matchup: Gomez vs. Hungaski
  • 5.00/5
Queen's Gambit Declined: Semi-Tarrasch defense (D40)

Thursday Feb. 10, 2022
Provocative - or Suicidal? Jobava Goes Overboard in Only Eight Moves with White!
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, Tactics
Run Time: 00:20:35
Matchup: Jobava vs. Duda
  • 5.00/5
French: Exchange variation (01)

Wednesday Feb. 9, 2022
Tata Steel Challengers 2022: How Not to Play the Tarrasch QGD - Even When It's a King's Indian Attack
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, The Endgame
Run Time: 00:30:20
Matchup: Erigaisi vs. Bjerre
  • 0/5
Sicilian defense (B40: )

Tuesday Feb. 8, 2022
Tata Steel Masters 2022: Refute the Mamedyarov Gambit!
Category: The Openings, Tactics
Run Time: 00:13:43
Matchup: Mamedyarov vs. Esipenko
  • 5.00/5
Queen's Pawn game (A50)

Monday Feb. 7, 2022
Forgotten Gems from the Fantastic Forties - Part 6
Category: The Openings, The Endgame
Run Time: 00:25:42
Matchup: Fine vs. Najdorf
  • 5.00/5
Sicilian Defense: Najdorf, Fianchetto Variation (B91)

Friday Feb. 4, 2022
Great Battles: World Champion Botvinnik Outplayed!
Category: The Middlegame, The Endgame, Tactics
Run Time: 00:29:25
Matchup: Botvinnik vs. Levenfish
  • 5.00/5
Gruenfeld: Smyslov defense (D94)

Thursday Feb. 3, 2022
Another Strategic Jewel from Caruana
Category: The Middlegame, The Endgame, Strategy
Run Time: 00:23:43
Matchup: Caruana vs. Firouzja
  • 5.00/5
Caro-Kann Defense (B12)

Wednesday Feb. 2, 2022
Tata Steel Challengers 2022: Catching Up On The Catalan
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, Tactics
Run Time: 00:40:45
Matchup: Warmerdam vs. Erigaisi
  • 3.33/5
Catalan: Closed, 5.Nf3

Tuesday Feb. 1, 2022
World Championship 2021 Bonus - Carlsen Gives Nepo a Lesson on Ulf Andersson's Technique in the World Blitz Championship!
Category: Strategy, The Middlegame, The Endgame
Run Time: 00:20:46
Matchup: Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi
  • 5.00/5
Reti: King's Indian attack (Barcza system) (A07)

Monday Jan. 31, 2022
Forgotten Gems from the Fantastic Forties - Part 5
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame
Run Time: 00:26:58
Matchup: Zagorjansky vs. Belavenets
  • 5.00/5
Nimzo Indian Defense: e3 Systems (E59)

Friday Jan. 28, 2022
Great Battles: A Wild Modern Benoni!
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, Tactics
Run Time: 00:36:15
Matchup: Portnjagin vs. Psakhis
  • 5.00/5
Benoni: Fianchetto, 11...Re8 (A64)

Thursday Jan. 27, 2022
How Do You Surprise Caruana in the Opening?
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, Tactics
Run Time: 00:18:28
Matchup: Caruana vs. Sevian
  • 5.00/5

Wednesday Jan. 26, 2022
Brilliancy and Domination at the World Cup, Part 2: More Magnus Mastery
Category: Tactics
Run Time: 00:26:36
Matchup: Carlsen vs. Fedoseev
  • 0/5
Caro-Kann Defense (B12)

Tuesday Jan. 25, 2022
Killer Idea in the Saemisch KID for Black: a Benko-Style b5 Pawn Sacrifice!
Category: The Openings, Tactics
Run Time: 00:19:05
Matchup: Lei vs. Lagno
  • 5.00/5
King's Indian: Saemisch, Byrne variation

Monday Jan. 24, 2022
Forgotten Gems from the Fantastic Forties - Part 4
Category: Strategy, The Middlegame
Run Time: 00:31:46
Matchup: Smyslov vs. Boleslavsky
  • 5.00/5
Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer Variation (B62)

Friday Jan. 21, 2022
Why Are Strong Players Suddenly Adopting Philidor's Defense?
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame, Strategy
Run Time: 00:39:35
Matchup: N/A
  • 5.00/5
Philidor defense (C41)

Thursday Jan. 20, 2022
Bishops of Opposite Colors: Nothing Matters More Than the Initiative!
Category: The Middlegame, The Endgame, Strategy
Run Time: 00:20:33
Matchup: Esipenko vs. Shirov
  • 4.00/5
Ruy Lopez: 5.O-O (C78)

Wednesday Jan. 19, 2022
Brilliancy and Domination at the World Cup, Part 1: Magnus Does Kasparov
Category: The Openings, The Middlegame
Run Time: 00:29:34
Matchup: Fedoseev vs. Carlsen
  • 5.00/5
King's Indian defense (E60)

Tuesday Jan. 18, 2022
Perfect Attack with the Dragondorf, Only to Blunder Away the Game!
Category: The Openings, Tactics
Run Time: 00:21:49
Matchup: Mitch vs. Perelshteyn
  • 5.00/5
Sicilian: Dragon, Yugoslav attack (B75)

Monday Jan. 17, 2022
Forgotten Gems from the Fantastic Forties - Part 3
Category: Strategy
Run Time: 00:32:12
Matchup: Lilienthal vs. Kotov
  • 5.00/5
Nimzo Indian Defense: Fischer Variation (E44)

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